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Polifoniczny krajobraz | Polyphonic Landscape. Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko – BWA Olsztyn, 2024

06.09 — 06.10.2024
Galeria Sztuki BWA w Olsztynie
Al. Marsz. J. Piłsudskiego 38A, Olsztyn
Opening event: 6 Sep 2024, 6 pm

In works born out of a longing for a pristine landscape, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko point to how digital media have taken over our perception of reality. These musings have much in common with Paul Virillo’s concept of the “square horizon,” which is discussed through the interposition of multiple screens, in the context of war, conflicts, and international relations, as a metaphor for the fragmented, pixelated experience of contemporary life, influenced by the proliferation of screens and urbanization. In an environment tired of disposability and immediacy of gratification, the Doroszenko duo lean toward sustainable methods of producing their works, often recycling and sampling previously produced images and sounds to create an alternative landscape. Reflecting on the contemporary relationship with the landscape, the exhibition is the artists’ response to the growing hypercommunication, hyperproduction, and hyperactivity.

excerpt from the text for the exhibition
by Natalia Barczyńska

photos by Jakub Zdanowicz © BWA Art Gallery in Olsztyn, 20124

Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko. Impossible horizon / Niemożliwy horyzont – exhibition | Instytut Fotografii Fort, Warszawa, 2024

18.04 — 21.07.2024
Instytut Fotografii Fort
Racławicka 99, Warsaw

The intermedia exhibition by duo Ewa Doroszenko and Jack Doroszenko consists of a series of photographs, unique photographic objects, a sound installation and video works, realized over the past years as part of Artist-in-Residence programs in Norway, Greece, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal. The unifying theme of all the works is the curving perception of the natural landscape and questions about the shifting boundaries between the domains of nature and technology.

Using popular computer games, travel guides and other online sources, the artists reveal the dream of relaxing in an idyllic landscape, which is very common in the digital age. They look at a variety of landscapes based not only on visual aspects of reality, but equally the artists explore the usually overlooked sound environment.

Co-artist: Jacek Doroszenko
Curator: Krzysztof Miękus

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photos by Julia Pietrzak, Instytut Fotografii Fort, 2024

Fakewhale – interview, 2024

In Dialogue with Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko, interview, Fakewhale Sagl, Switzerland, 2024

In this interview with Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko, we delve into the complex intertwining of their experiences from the real and virtual worlds in their art. Their works, displayed at Pragovka Gallery in Prague, explore the nuanced intersections between nature and technology through a mix of video, photography, and sound installations. In this double interview, we discuss their thoughts on how technological advancements shape their interpretation of natural landscapes and the impact of specific

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KoozArch – interview, 2024

Portraying the Land: Ewa & Jacek Doroszenko on fallacies of the visual

Interviewee: Ewa Doroszenko & Jacek Doroszenko
Interviewer: Federica Zambeletti x KoozArch

Polish artists Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko have been extruding examples of digitally produced — and ubiquitously available — geolocational imagery, to point out its distortions and elisions; at the same time, they harness sound and the concept of soundscape ecologies to heal our relationship with the natural environment.

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Der Greif – interview, 2023

Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko Greif Alumni: Q&A

We periodically invite our alumni, artists we have featured in the past, to share their new work and projects with us. Ewa Doroszenko’s work was featured in several of our Guest Rooms as “Post HomoSapiens” curated by Monica Allende, “Die Welt ist schön” (The World is Beautiful) by Nathalie Herschdofer in 2018. We caught up with Ewa Doroszenko and her work partner Jacek Doroszenko to delve into their current projects “Overlooked Horizons” and “Impossible Horizon” respectively shown at Pragovka Gallery (Prague, CZ) and Foto Forum (Bozen, IT). Der Greif

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Impossible Horizon – exhibition | Foto Forum, Bolzano, Italy, 2023

Foto Forum
via Weggenstein 3F, Bolzano
Exhibition opening: 21.11.2023, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: 22.11. – 23.12.2023

Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko – authors

To better understand the causes of the current environmental crisis, the artists look at the history of the Western tradition of landscape painting, in which the concept of natural landscape was defined according to the dominant worldview – as a detached component, outside the subject. In their works, Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko aim to question the separation between the issue – the observer – and the separated environment. More information at

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Overlooked Horizons – exhibition | Pragovka Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2023

Pragovka Gallery
Kolbenova 923, Prague, Czech Republic
16.11. – 14.12.2023
Exhibition opening: 16.11.2023, 6 p.m.

Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko – authors

The audio-visual exhibition „Overlooked Horizons” features recent works by the Doroszenko duo exploring the relationship between the observer and the natural landscape. The large-format photographic prints, sound installations and video works presented during the exhibition are based on the artists’ insights from numerous real and virtual journeys. Just as in the late 18th century people travelled in search of „genius loci” places, sights and moods that transported them to another time and allowed them to distance themselves from everyday life, today the Doroszenko duo discovers landscapes with unique qualities by taking artistic journeys online and offline.

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Acoustic Gestures | BWA Gallery in Bydgoszcz

Since 2014, as part of their international artist residencies, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko have been creating unique scores in the form of video works and graphic installations. The resulting works have been presented by the artists in numerous exhibitions, including at the Witold Lutosławski National Forum of Music in Wroclaw, the Polish Institute in Düsseldorf, Cidade das Artes in Rio de Janeiro, Goldcorp Centre for the Arts in Vancouver. The audio-visual exhibition „Acoustic Gestures” at the BWA Gallery in Bydgoszcz displays the latest works by the Doroszenko duo, which emphasize the role of the sense of hearing in the process of experiencing the environment.

The exhibition is part of the Fonomo Music & Film Festival.

BWA Gallery in Bydgoszcz
Opening 13.10.2023, 6 pm
13.10.2023 – 03.12.2023

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Unstable Oscillations | The Witold Lutosławski National Forum of Music

Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko’s audiovisual project consists of video works, large-format graphic installations and a sound installation. The visual form of the works presented results directly from the sound sphere. Revealing the acoustic space of reality, the duo experiments with new technologies, relevant to the modern digital age. The graphic installations illustrate the path that sounds material travels in music production, especially electronic music: recording, reproduction, deconstruction, frequency cutting, working with the spectrum, compression, looping and distortion.

The accompanying exhibition, 11th International Musica Electronica Nova Festival. Organiser: The Witold Lutosławski National Forum of Music

Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko – authors

The Witold Lutosławski National Forum of Music, pl. Wolności 1, Wrocław
The exhibition is open from 13 May 2023 through 21 May 2023

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Parallele Schwingungen
Polish Institute Düsseldorf

The visual form of all the works shown in the exhibition results directly from their sonic layer. Through this chronological order of their artistic work, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko draw attention to the need to give auditory perception an appropriate place in the predominantly visual contemporary culture. In the latest video, Jacek Doroszenko works with minimalist objects that play a four-part piece like traditional instruments, reminiscent of Witold Lutosławski’s “Jeux Vénitiens”. Other works by the artist are video scores in which the movement of the filmed figure determines the character of the musical composition played. Ewa Doroszenko confronts the acoustic environment through more remote references by translating selected sound events into a synthetic visual language. With the help of abstract black-and-white structures, the artist captures the sound spreading in time and space in a static form.

Curator: Kama Wróbel, OP ENHEIM Wrocław

Polnisches Institut Düsseldorf, Citadellstr. 7
Exhibition open from 24.02. to 28.04.2023

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Photography+ Photoworks – Interview, 2022

Polish artists Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko met on a residency programme in Italy and have been married for over ten years. Both originally trained as painters, but now make work across the spectrum of contemporary media together and individually. They are inspired by a common interest in contemporary technological reality. Their most recent project, Bodyfulness, combines photographs and gif-files made by Ewa and an album of musical compositions by Jacek and considers the potentials and paradoxes of digital intimacy. Photography+ caught up with them to find out more.

Text by Photoworks

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Wroclaw Contemporary Museum
Ewa Doroszenko, Jacek Doroszenko
Metascore of new gestures

The exhibition entitled Metascore of New Gestures is a review of joint artistic experiments carried out by Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko in 2016–2022. Wrocław Contemporary Museum presents sound installations, video works and a series of graphics on paper. The duo’s creative work stems from their fascination with the relations between sound, space and visuality. In this triad, acoustic phenomena constitute the basis for artistic work, but the space that determines the entire process is equally important, providing the activities with a performative aspect.

Curator Piotr Lisowski

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Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław
Wroclaw Contemporary Museum
pl. Strzegomski 2A
Wrocław, Poland
Opening 23.6.22, 6:00 pm
Exhibition open to 26.9.22

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Metascore of New Gestures on LES NOUVEAUX RICHES Magazine

The exhibition entitled Metascore of New Gestures is a review of joint artistic experiments carried out by Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko in 2016–2022. Wrocław Contemporary Museum presents sound installations, video works and a series of graphics on paper…

Text by Piotr Lisowski, LES NOUVEAUX RICHES Magazine

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View of the Oceans, Krakow Photomonth

Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko’s audiovisual project consists of video and photography works created as part of Artist-in-Residence programs in Greece, Lithuania, and Portugal. In their works, Ewa and Jacek examine how digital images and the latest technologies mediate perception of the natural world. Fascinated by modern information tools and their massive potential for shaping our ways of life, the artists seek to capture the atmosphere of a simultaneously physical and virtual present tense…

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Miesiąc Fotografii Krakow Photomonth
Dom Norymberski, Kraków, 27.05 – 17.06.2022

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Jacek Doroszenko feat. Ewa Doroszenko – Bodyfulness

In June this year, the UK-based Audiobulb label will release a new album, Bodyfulness by Jacek Doroszenko, known for his Soundreaming project, solo albums on the French Eilean label, the American Time Released Sound and the Mammoth Ulthana duo. This time the musician invited Ewa Doroszenko, an intermedia artist, with whom they work together in the field of contemporary art, travel as part of Artist-in-Residence, and create joint exhibitions.

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A WOMEN’S THING – Interview, 2022

Warsaw-based intermedia artist Ewa Doroszenko’s practice is a graphic showcase of blending classic photography with digital manipulation and traditional painting.

Doroszenko’s works are made with great attention to detail—and an emphasis toward aesthetics. Yet underneath the obvious layers of beauty, the viewer can find the hidden, deeper issues, as if Doroszenko wants to tell us that, after all, everything is much more complicated than it seems.

We spoke with Doroszenko about what her typical day as an artist looks like, how the people of her home country Poland are helping Ukrainians during the war, and how her grandparents’ history still has an influence today.

Text by A WOMEN’S THING Magazine

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Edytowanie rzeczywistości. Rozmowa z Ewą Doroszenko

Rozmowa z Ewą Doroszenko na to projekt badawczy poświęcony współczesnym postawom w zakresie tworzenia obrazu cyfrowego w polskiej sztuce. Inicjatywa skierowana jest na promowanie i archiwizowanie artystek i artystów posługujących się fotografią, a także odwołujących się do wizualności w kontekście rewolucji cyfrowej.
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Skin – International Photography Exhibition, Membrana, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (SI), 2022

The exhibition Skin unveils different photographic practices, touching the topic of skin, be it gently or roughly, from its superficial mindfulness, its microscopic structures, to its social embodiment – in the economy of the gaze, it oscillates between the desired and demanded, exposing physicality, the relations between the real and the created, between immersion and deconstruction.

19 January – 1 March 2022, Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana, and Membrana Institute
Exhibiting artists: Anne Noble, Ewa Doroszenko, Goran Bertok, Gorkem Ergun, Karina-Sirkku Kurz, Špela Šivic
Curators and layout: Kristina Ferk and Nataša Ilec Kralj
Cankarjev dom Exhibitions Programme Curator: Katarina Hergouth

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NEO2 Magazine – interview, 2021

Ewa Doroszenko. Unreal beauty in all its splendor.

In her latest works, Polish artist Ewa Doroszenko focuses on the risks associated with beauty apps and the distortion of virtual beauty models. Ewa Doroszenko’s photographic work is based on manual and digital manipulation of images. The results are sensual and intriguing collages that address the pulsating issues of contemporary life, particularly the importance of the image in an increasingly technological reality and the fluidity of current standards of female beauty…

Text by Belén Vera Raya, NEO2 Magazine

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Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021, Netherlands

Imagine yourself on an island in the middle of the ocean” has been selected for Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2021: The Makeable Mind! The festival takes place from 7th August onwards at several locations in Groningen and Friesland. With the theme ‘The Makeable Mind’ Noorderlicht explores the relationship between visual culture and reality: how is our thinking guided by a rampant image culture, unprecedented technological possibilities, and lightning-fast internet connections?

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CLOT Magazine – interview, 2021

EWA & JACEK DOROSZENKO, Capturing our consciousness with sound and computer-generated image.

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What Next? – Exhibition: Results of the Selection Process

I am pleased to share that the „How to Travel” project was selected for the international series of exhibitions „What Next” organized by The Adam Mickiewicz Institute in honour of the upcoming 100th anniversary of the birth of Stanisław Lem. The curatorial jury for the exhibition — comprising Max Houghton (United Kingdom), Kateryna Radchenko (Ukraine), and Katarzyna Sagatowska (Poland) — has selected the following creators: Yana Bachynska, Lilya Chavaga, Veronika Cherednychenko, Maciej Czuchryta & Marta Wieczorek, Jacek Doroszenko & Ewa Doroszenko, Emily Graham, Anka Gregorczyk, Kamila Izykowicz, Yura Kolomiets, Pawel Mendrek, Pawel Pacholec, Loreal Prystaj, Magdalena Raczkowska, Rake Collective, Hanna Shumska, Anna Beata Targosz.

The project partners include: Galeria Jednostka, Odesa Photo Days, the Polish Cultural Institute in London, Jam Factory Art Center in Lviv, and the British Council.

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Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko

Enklawa at Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery, Warsaw

Jacek Doroszenko and Ewa Doroszenko have been invited to the Enklawa (Enclave) at the Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery, which opened its doors to artists who would like to create art, meditate and fulfil themselves through every other form of expression.

Selected creators: 181-1 collective, Alicja Bielawska, Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko, Jan Grabowski, Zuzanna Kofta, Alka Nauman, Sara Piotrowska and Maciej Szczęśniak, Magdalena Sobolska, Kamil Szczepaniak, Agata Zbylut, Paweł Żukowski.
Curator Jacek Sosnowski, Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery

Metonymic sequence or third eye – exhibition

Opening: 27.02.2020, Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery, Warsaw, curator Jacek Sosnowski.
The exhibition lasts till: 28.03.2020.


Artists: Janusz Bałdyga / Norbert Delman / Ewa Doroszenko / Karol Grygoruk / Tomasz Kulka / Paweł Łubowski / Jagoda Przybylak / Zygmunt Rytka / Krzysztof Wojciechowski / Ada Zielińska

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How to Travel – exhibition, Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery, Warsaw

Ewa Doroszenko Jacek Doroszenko
16.03.2019 – 19.05.2019, curator Jacek Sosnowski, Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery, Warsaw

The second exhibition of Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko in Propaganda is a real untruth or an untrue reality. Through multiplied transformations of elements taken out from the real and virtual worlds, they created tangible evidence that today’s life, consciousness, and subjectivity extend far beyond our senses and travel through the areas of the medialized digital world.

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Double speaker – exhibition, Exgirlfriend Gallery, Berlin

From Nov 17, 2018 to Dec 8, 2018

For their first show in Berlin, Ewa and Jacek Doroszenko present „Double speaker” – an exhibition manifesting as a common ground between the artists and as a physical and extra-sensory constellation. Inspired by soundscapes from different places in Europe, the exhibition invites us to explore and celebrate audio-visual experiences that are both very intimate and expansive. Exgirlfriend Gallery is transformed into the place where art directly catalyses the transition from synthetic images and digital sounds to painting or graphical music notations.

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Coalescence – exhibition, MAH MUSEUM, TERCEIRA ISLAND, AZORES

Re_act Contemporary Art Laboratory
2018 Edition – Azores Islands
Commissioned By DRAC Azores



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Ewa Doroszenko – Debuts winners

Winners of DEBUTS 2018 Announced!

I am delighted to announce that I have been shortlisted as one of 20 photographers who have been recognised by the DEBUTS 2018 jury as the most talented emerging photographers of the year and invited to a book and touring exhibition, shown exclusively at photography events.

The DEBUTS 2018 winners are (in alphabetical order): Kirsten Bitzer (USA), Michele Crameri (Switzerland), Ilaria Di Biagio (Italy), Ewa Doroszenko (Poland), Jean-Felix Fayolle (France), Jordan Gale (USA), Ilias Georgiadis (Greece), Mirek Kaźmierczak (Poland), Paweł Łączny (Poland), Raj Lalwani (India), Camille Leveque (France), Sergey Melnitchenko (Ukraine), Filippo Nicoletti (Italy), Valentyn Ondoviun (Lithuania), Anna Pfeiffer (Italy), Natalia Poniatowska (United Kingdom), Sergey Stroitelev (Russia), Gihan Tubbeh (Peru), Federico Vespignani (Italy), Adam Wilkoszarski (Poland).

Carte Blanche – Contemporary Lynx Magazine, LETO Gallery

Carte Blanche is a new program on the Warsaw art scene launched by LETO Gallery (Marta Kołakowska), Contemporary Lynx Magazine (Dobromiła Błaszczyk) and Biała (Hubert Karsz). Within the framework of the event, institutions invite young artists to present their exhibitions, artists also receive the Carte Blanche – a recommendation of these institutions to follow the work of the selected artist, whom they consider extremely promising. Ewa Doroszenko’s works were presented during the second edition of Carte Blanche at Willa Biała in Warsaw in 2018.

Ewa Doroszenko – Yet magazine winners

YET magazine – Winners Announcement

Open Call YET issue #11: Winners Announcement! The selected artists are Ewa Doroszenko (PL), Amy Li (US), Eui-Jip Hwang (KR), John MacLean (GB), Hiro Tanaka (JP), Annemarijn Vlinder (NL).

The Winners of  the Young Lynxes Competition – Contemporary Lynx Magazine

Let’s meet the 12 winners of the first ‘Young Lynxes Portfolio’ art competition organised this winter by Contemporary Lynx Magazine. After a heated debate, the jury panel composed of editors: Anna Dziuba, Michalina Sablik, Dobromiła Błaszczyk and Sylwia Krasoń, chose 12 visual artists from hundreds of submissions. Our criteria included talent, aesthetics, selection of topics, and originality.

The winners: Bartosz Czarnecki, Norbert Delman, Ewa Doroszenko, Wiktor Dyndo, Marta Krześlak, Mikołaj Małek, Gabriel Orłowski, Anna Perach, Anna Raczyńska, Michał Sroka, Karolina Wojciechowska, Bartosz Zaskórski

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Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2017, Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery

Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2017

22–24.09.2017, Propaganda / PRPGND Gallery, curator Jacek Sosnowski

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METAL Magazine – interview

METAL Magazine / Ewa Doroszenko „Crossroads between digital and traditional art”. Words by Monika Repcyte.

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Contemporary Lynx – interview

Interview on the Contemporary Lynx
SOUNDLAB: LYNX IN HEADPHONES #7, interview by Anna Prokop

Have you ever wondered how sound affects your perception of a certain place, your visual imagination, or even your memories? Two artists, Jacek and Ewa Doroszenko have created „Soundreaming”, an audio-visual project considering these phenomena.  In May, they will release an album of music from the series, containing immersive, well-thought-out, dreamy compositions based on field recordings from the time of their artistic residency at the Hangar in Barcelona…

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Classical Sculpture Collages Shatter Antique Traditions – VICE.

My photographic project „The Promise of Sublime Words” featured on VICE.

Written by Nathaniel Ainley.

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Exercises of listening, Fait Gallery, Brno

Exhibition: 23.03.2016 – 04.05.2016

In the first solo show of Ewa Doroszenko and Jacek Doroszenko in Brno, the sound is treated as a legitimate material of visual art, audible and visible spheres interact. The sound recording technique allows us to approach the environmental sound’s transparency and present it visually in a new context.

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Kasia Michalski Gallery

The Drawers, Kasia Michalski Gallery

Opening: September 3rd, 2015
The exhibition is open till September 17

The title of the presentation, THE DRAWERS, refers both to the place as well as to the subjects of the show. The majority of works were made on paper, although drawing is not the only medium the artists utilize. The works showcased at the exhibition aptly represent the artists’ styles and their manifold interests and activities: Rafał Dominik’s interest in pop culture, Ewa Doroszenko’s digital collages inspired by her many travels, Ewa Iwaniuk and Szymon Szewczyk’s exploration of the ordinary, Maria Jeglinska and Piotr Krzymowski’s use of found images, Maess’ expressive hand-drawn compositions, Magdalena Lapinska’s playful paintings and to Michał Gayer’s intriguing watercolours and ink sketches.

Exhibiting Artists: Rafał Dominik, Ewa Doroszenko, Michał Gayer, Ewa Iwaniuk, Maria Jeglińska, Piotr Krzymowski, Magdalena Estera Łapińska, Maess, Szymon Szewczyk

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Soundreaming on the AQNB

Our audiovisual project Soundreaming featured on the AQNB.

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